Spelling for Writing- Level 2 (Second Grade) / #855-2374
Spelling for Writing- Level 2 (Second Grade) / #855-2374
In just a few minutes a week, your child will:
- Learn to identify common, logical spelling patterns,
- Graduate quickly to more complex words,
- Become a confident, independent speller and writer!
Why Pay attention to Spelling?
Spelling for Writing shows you how to help children discover the most important patterns and principles that govern English spelling. Accurate spelling contributes to the clarity of written messages. Spelling accuracy shows attention to detail, sending a positive message to teachers and employers. Spelling becomes one part of learning to write real-life messages--directions, letters, invitations, and reports.
In this program, children learn that writing messages and stories help them see the value of learning to spell!
ISBN: 1-883790-64-6 Size: 8.5" x 11" Pages: 96